Friday 15 March 2013


Fear is an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes entities to quickly pull away from it and usually hide. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger.

In short, fear is the ability to recognize danger leading to an urge to confront it or flee from it (also known as the fight-or-flight response) but in extreme cases of fear (horror and terror) a freeze or paralysis response is possible. Some psychologists such as John B. Watson, Robert Plutchik, and Paul Ekman have suggested that there is only a small set of basic or innate emotions and that fear is one of them. This hypothesized set includes such emotions as joy, sadness, and anger. Fear should be distinguished from the emotion anxiety, which typically occurs without any certain or immediate external threat.

Fear is frequently related to the specific behaviors of escape and avoidance, whereas anxiety is the result of threats which are perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.[1] It is worth noting that fear almost always relates to future events, such as worsening of a situation, or continuation of a situation that is unacceptable. Fear can also be an instant reaction to something presently happening. All people have an instinctual response to potential danger, which is in fact important to the survival of all species. The reactions elicited from fear are seen through advantages in evolution.[2] Fear can be a manipulating and controlling factor in an individual's life.[3]

  IN SHORT .....we all have  fears and listed below are some of the common feras that people have 
A to Z of phobias
Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders etc
Fear of beautiful women
Fear of drinking
Fears of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror
Fear of cold, or cold things
Fear of marriage
Fear of long words
Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors
Fear of sitting down
Fear of vegetables
Fear of darkness
Fear of clouds
Fear of dreams
Fear of paper
Fear of dirt
Fear of sleep
Fear of speed
Fear of heaven
Fear of clothing
Fear of witches and witchcraft
Fear of dryness
 Fear of jealousy
Just there : Midrand ,issue 6, July 2012


Tuesday 12 March 2013

ten reasons to have best friends of the opposite gender

Ten reasons why it’s good to have a best friend of the opposite gender
Ladies guide
1.       You always have a date whether attending a big function, or just going to get coffee down the street.
2.       Your friendship offers an opportunity for you to do a lot more, than you would normally do with fellow girlfriends. For example one gets to watch movies or TV shows that you won’t normally watch... I mean how many  times do you and your girlfriends  sit and decide to watch  Starswars , OR how it’s made ,  or any of those shows on Discovery Channels OR   any of the sport shows for  that matter.....
3.       You always have a personal stylist, someone to advise you on what makes you look really beautiful and outstanding   <<<<<<< provided he has a good fashion sense>>>>>>>
4.       Unlike the constant cat fights with your girlfriends, the rate of small fights or big fights is very slim.
5.       You can always rely on your guy friend to set you up  , when you feeling the need to  hook up with someone
6.        A trusted friend is someone who will always give you good advice, so with a guy friend you can be guaranteed good sexual advice when you have worries about sex.
7.       Ever gone out to a party, function or just found yourself in need of a dance partner? Well with a guy friend around, you never have to worry about such
8.        Whether you know it or not, in your guy friend , you officially have the best wing man in the world,
9.       Have you ever borrowed someone your favourite or just any normal pair of jeans, bag, shoes, name it....  and simply never gotten them back? Yes I have gone through that experience several times over and I know that feeling quite well... with a guy friend, your friendship is secure because you simply never get to cross this line....
10.   Last but not least. You always have a  Cuddling up partner , be it on a cold winters day/ night  and you in need of heat, or on any other given day  and you just want to cuddle ,  you can always cuddle without any awkward feelings between you or  without worries that someone somewhere might  start reading more into your relationship that there really is
In my opinion every girl need a best guy friend... Someone who is as close to her as a brother and someone she can always depend on for support and of course unlimited amount of fun and crazy times.
I can also attest to this because I happen to have a guy for a best friend >>>>                         
 Oooohhhh... the above could also work for gents as well, though I will write a gents guide in due time, in the mean time feel free to use the above as a basic guide